khktmd 2015

Đạo học làm việc lớn là ở chỗ làm rạng tỏ cái đức sáng của mình, thương yêu người dân, đạt tới chỗ chí thiện. Đại học chi đạo, tại Minh Minh Đức, tại Tân Dân, tại chỉ ư Chí Thiện. 大學之道,在明明德,在親民,在止於至善。

Chủ Nhật, 20 tháng 9, 2020

Unexpected Animal Pairings - Tác giả Dale Shaw


We’ve all seen videos like this shared extensively on social media: a dog riding a horse, ducklings trailing a cat, even a hamster apparently cuddling up with a snake.

We are fascinated by stories of interspecies friendships, the more unusual the better. But why do some animals appear to cosy up together in ways that would seem completely unsuitable, even wildly dangerous? Is it just a quirk of nature or is there some scientific reason behind it?


Cardinals have been known to raise the chicks of robins. © Getty | Outtakes
Cardinals have been known to raise the chicks of robins. © Getty | Outtakes

Other creatures have also displayed this powerful parenting instinct. A two-year-old chimpanzee called Anjana looked after two white tiger cubs, Mitra and Shiva, after they were separated from their mother at a wildlife sanctuary. Other orphaned infants that have developed an unusual bond include an otter and a badger named Brook and Bumble Bee at a wildlife rescue park in Somerset, while in Montana a skunk called Peanut who became a surrogate sibling to a lion cub named Annabelle. This malleable behaviour ensures that an infant animal and a nurturing mother can bond even between hunting species. The instinct to raise and protect a child overwhelms the differences between the creatures and suppresses any predatory behaviour.


Who'd have thought that a donkey and dog could become best friends. © Getty | Marin Tomas
Who'd have thought that a donkey and dog could become best friends. © Getty | Marin Tomas

At a wildlife sanctuary in Florida, a giraffe named Bea was placed in the same enclosure as Wilma the ostrich. It was assumed the two creatures would keep their distance, but soon grew inseparable. And at the San Diego Zoo, a timber wolf and two goats, kept in adjoining pens, would race each other along the fence then rest together. Social animals will overcome any instinctual fear of a creature from a different species if the benefits of social activity outweigh the dangers of the unknown.


An ostrich and a giraffe were housed in the same enclosure and against expectations, became inseperable. © Getty | Mark Newman
An ostrich and a giraffe were housed in the same enclosure and against expectations, became inseperable. © Getty | Mark Newman

Lulu became the ‘guide pig’ to a blind cow called Baby on a farm in Massachusetts, leading her to food and making sure she didn’t bump into things. While at another farm in the States, a goose and a Shetland pony formed a mutual friendship, which grew stronger when the horse became ill. The goose would flap, honk and attack any human that attempted to treat their pal. And there are numerous reports of whales and dolphins helping various other creatures in peril, including humans.

It’s not really known why animals would abandon their own self-preservation instinct to help another creature. Some cases could certainly be mistaken identity; one animal incorrectly identifies another as one of their own. But that’s hard to justify when it’s a goose and a pony. Though it’s always dangerous to overlay human emotions on animals, empathy appears to be in evidence in some of these cases.


Ostriches and zebra work together to better detect predators. © Getty |  Friedemeier
Ostriches and zebra work together to better detect predators. © Getty | Friedemeier

Ostriches and zebras have been observed in close quarters, as both are prey to pack animals. But while ostriches have poor eyesight and zebras see well, zebras have a poor sense of smell and ostriches have highly developed olfactory function. Together, they offer each other much greater protection. Honey badgers are happy to be led to the beehives they love to feed from by the honeyguide bird, who they would otherwise snaffle as a snack. It may not be as cute as cats and duckings, but this kind of ingenuity occurs across the animal kingdom. They learn that siding with an enemy and working together is mutually beneficial.


Amazingly there have been cases of cats adopting baby birds. © Getty | nicolesy
Amazingly there have been cases of cats adopting baby birds. © Getty | nicolesy

Cats and birds are not known to be the best of pals, but on a farm in Suffolk a most-definitely feline Snowy adopted a chicken chick that survived a fox attack, washing and caring for it until they developed a solid friendship. In a Siberian zoo, a tiger befriended a goat that had been left in its enclosure as a meal. The big cat had happily eaten all the other goats offered to him as food, but decided to befriend this particular one and they became inseparable companions. One theory is that at the moment the goat entered the enclosure, the tiger was more lonely than he was hungry, so adopted the goat rather than chomping down on him. That lucky goat just happened to be in the right place at the right time. It seems that if one impulse overpowers another within an animal, completely unex

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