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Chủ Nhật, 21 tháng 3, 2021

San Fran Officials Demand School Board Member Resign After She Claimed Asians Use ‘White Supremacist Thinking’ To ‘Get Ahead’


Phó Chủ tịch Học khu San Francisco bị yêu cầu từ chức vì miệt thị dân da vàng là học theo chủ nghĩa thượng tôn da trắng để thành một thiểu số mẫu mực!

San Francisco officials, including Mayor London Breed, are calling on the Vice President of the San Francisco school board, Alison Collins, to resign after tweets emerged showing Collins’ “anti-Asian bias.”

The shocking tweets show Collins accusing Asians of adopting “white supremacist ideology” and of working to become “model minorities” in order to take advantage of a “white supremacist” system that she claims is typically biased against people of color.

Collins was one of several members of the school board who pressed to do away with merit-based admissions at one of the district’s top schools because she believed such a system was “racist” against minorities, even though Asians seemed to make up a significant percentage of the student body.

“When we talk about merit, meritocracy and especially meritocracy based on standardized testing. I’m just going to say it, in this day and age we cannot mince words. Those are racist systems.” she said.

She attacked Asian students specifically, calling them a “model minority” that strives to earn the approval of whites: “Being a ‘model-minority’ is not something to covet or celebrate,” she wrote on her personal page.

Recall SF School Board, a group determined to boot members of the board who they believe are sacrificing academic excellence at the altar of woke ideology, released a series of Collins’ tweets on Friday, and in them, she shows a clear anti-Asian bias, even going so far as to accuse Asians of being complicit in “white supremacy.”

“Many Asian Am. believe they benefit from the ‘model minority’ BS…They use white supremacist thinking to assimilate and ‘get ahead,'” Collins tweeted.

“Many Asian Ss and Ts I know won’t engage in critical race convos unless they see how they are impacted by white supremacy,” she added later referring to students (“S”) and teachers (“T”).

The comments are particularly concerning given the media’s recent focus on anti-Asian violence following a mass shooting at several Asian spas in Georgia late last week. Although the shooter, a young man who claimed to have a “sex addiction,” told police that he targeted the spas to eliminate a “temptation,” and was reportedly one of the spa’s customers, critical race theory proponents quickly claimed that the murders were the culmination of an anti-Asian hate campaign that began with President Donald Trump.

Certainly, in San Francisco, anti-Asian violence has made headlines, which is likely why San Francisco Mayor London Breed was quick to demand that Collins resign her post.

“All of our young people in our schools need to feel respected and supported, and you simply can’t use words like that,” Breed said in a statement released Saturday. “Asian people in this country have long faced very real racism, including here in San Francisco, and you can’t just broad brush their experience in a way that is so harmful and offensive.”

I support calls by leaders like @DavidChiu and @JennyhLam, as well as many others, for Alison Collins to resign. Our students and our API community deserve better,” Breed said later in a tweet.

The president of San Francisco’s school board, however — another official Recall SF School Board is determined to see resign — was quick to forgive.

“I stand in solidarity with Vice President Collins and Asian American communities. This week has been marked by hate and violence. And in this moment of pain, words matter more than ever. I appreciate that Vice President Collins has apologized for her remarks,” she said, suggesting that Collins’ issue is actually beneficial to the overall discussion of race. “The board recognizes the hurt that has been caused. Discussions on race and racism create discomfort but when done correctly we contribute to the learning and growth in our community.”

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